How can an entity filter be used to display only certain elements?

I have the following YAML

type: vertical-stack
  - content: |
      ## Code 1
    type: markdown
  - type: entities
    show_header_toggle: false
      - entity: input_text.frontdoor_name_1
      - entity: input_text.frontdoor_pin_1
      - entity: input_boolean.enabled_frontdoor_1
      - entity: input_boolean.notify_frontdoor_1
      - type: divider
      - entity: binary_sensor.active_frontdoor_1
      - entity: sensor.connected_frontdoor_1

And I only wish to show binary_sensor.active_frontdoor_1 and sensor.connected_frontdoor_1 if they have an attribute named foobar, and foobar > 50.

How can I modify this existing YAML stock incorporate this logic? I must be missing something basic as replacing entities with entity-filter is breaking lovelace.