How can Display Running mosquitto Processes

hello , someone please explain how i can display running mosquito process??
i am running my Ha on raspberry , hassbian

ssh to your pi, and as root type the following command
ps ax | grep mosq

or sudo ps ax | grep mosq
if you are a regular user


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392 ? S 3:02 /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
27840 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto mosq

  • platform: systemmonitor
    • type: disk_free
      arg: /
    • type: memory_free
    • type: processor_use
    • type: last_boot
    • type: since_last_boot
    • type: process
      arg: HERE PUT WHATT?

What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to see if mosquitto is running or not in a HA sensor?
I personaly have never used the system monitor component, but reading the page of it says, that the argument of type: process is a binary, which means to me that you should put an executable command there. So why not try and paste the complete:
ā€˜ps ax|grep mosquittoā€™
(probably surrounded with the tick marks)

If you are running this a pi or any other linux type box you may run into permission problems, so maybe you should add your HA user the sudoers file first.

hope this helps

or you can try the ā€˜pgrep -f mosquittoā€™ which returns only the pid of the process

I havenā€™t tried it, but I think it needs the location of the executable, i.e. the output of

which mosquitto

in my case this is

$ which mosquitto

But to be honest, I think the best way of getting the status of mosquitto would be to use a command line sensor to decode the output of

$ systemctl status mosquitto.service
ā— mosquitto.service - LSB: mosquitto MQTT v3.1 message broker
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mosquitto)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-02-08 16:17:23 UTC; 3 weeks 0 days ago
   CGroup: /system.slice/mosquitto.service
           ā””ā”€409 /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

Edit 2:
Actually the output of

systemctl show mosquitto.service

is much easier to parse.

@towme i am trying to do this:

but i only want mosquitto no glances.

but i dont know what i should put on my config.
platform: systemmonitor

type: disk_free
arg: /
type: memory_free
type: processor_use
type: last_boot
type: since_last_boot
type: process
arg: systemctl show mosquitto.service

this configuration is right?

Thatā€™s not what I meant. Iā€™m not sure how your image was created, but I mean this:

  - platform: command_line
    name: "mosquitto status"
    command: systemctl show mosquitto.service | awk -F= '/^SubState=/ {print $2}'
    scan_interval: 60

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thank you. works very good.

This is what I use. It is a script that runs via cron every couple minutes and publishes results to MQTT. I then pick it up in HA and a Mac. When the mac detects something down it sends me a SMS via Messages.


list of apps seperated by a space

apps=ā€œmotion appdaemon influxdb docker glances mosquitto mysql webmin home-assistant@hass homebridgeā€

mqtthost=ā€œlocalhostā€ # mqtt broker address
mqtttopic=ā€œappcheckā€ # first part of topic
mqtttopichost=ā€œvostroā€ # second part of topic
pos_mess=ā€œ1ā€ # positive message
neg_mess=ā€œ0ā€ # negative message

for app in $apps
ps_out=ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v $0
result=$(echo $ps_out | grep ā€œ$appā€)

if [[ ā€œ$resultā€ != ā€œā€ ]];then

echo $pos_mess

/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -h $mqtthost -q 0 -t $mqtttopic/$mqtttopichost/$app -m $pos_mess

echo $neg_mess

/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -h $mqtthost -q 0 -t $mqtttopic/$mqtttopichost/$app -m $neg_mess

I run this on another box and a similar script on the mac.