How can help me with scraping my values from the smart system to control batteries

I have asystem called Jullix.
This system is used to control my home battery controller.

I can go to a site were a see all the info I need, but I’m not able to connect it to home assistance.
Is there someone that can help me with scriping the correct values?

kind regard

Hi Marc,

I’m the developer of the Jullix system.

We have a short guide on our wiki, Integratie []

You can view the rest API on Flasgger

If you want to use the rest API, you need to create a API token on your profile page in the platform.

As an example for a basic rest interface:

        Authorization: Bearer --API-TOKEN-HERE--
        - name: "Grid"
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['powers']['grid'] }}"
          unit_of_measurement: "kW"
          device_class: power
        - name: "Solar"
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['powers']['solar'] }}"
          unit_of_measurement: "kW"
          device_class: power
        - name: "Car"
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['powers']['car'] }}"
          unit_of_measurement: "kW"
          device_class: power
        - name: "Battery"
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['powers']['battery'] }}"
          unit_of_measurement: "kW"
          device_class: power
        - name: "Home"
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['powers']['home'] }}"
          unit_of_measurement: "kW" 
          device_class: power

This will create 6 sensor containing the power values seen in the dashboard on the platform.

You can use the same principle for other values. The actual rest endpoints contain realtime data, history and the other endpoints are more for past data or statistics.

I think this can get you started.

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Hi @RobinElecgator, this is great info.

I’m curious if we could also control the charging state of the battery. Mainly if we notice that energy is cheap from the grid or if we want to charge it just enough to avoid peak energy usage in the evening during the winter.

Looking at the API it doesn’t seem so, but maybe I’m overseeing something?

Hi Nick,

Normally that would be controlled by the optimizer running on the platform. In short it creates a usage profile of the user and with the prediction of solar energy it optimizes the battery usage according the dynamic day-ahead prices. Hoe werkt de Jullix? []

What is in the works is a “party” mode, in which you can say that a particular time period you will have more consumption so the optimizer can find the low cost solution.

And will we be able to set this schedule of this “party” mode on the fly or based on some Google Calendar or similar integrations? Ideally we can also control this through the API, with a minimum of 1 day in advance perhaps?

Thank you for the example for the rest interface @RobinElecgator. I also have a Jullix which is installed along with a battery via the Ichoosr groepsaankoop. Since I’m not a programmer, may I ask you to expand your rest sensor example with the battery details please? That will cover all the different situations that occur in the Jullix Api I think. I ask this because I tried to add all actual Jullix Api values but always encounter errors (duplicate key, …).
Thanks in advance.