How can I actually debug matter/thread issues? Aqara U200 + conbee II with thread firmware

I am trying to configure first device (Aqara U200) with HA WITHOUT using boarder router from apple/google/aqara etc but using an USB stick (in my case - conbee ii with thread software

I was trying half of the night yesterday… first tried using iphone, but then I found an info that iphone works only with apple boarder routers - I switched to android with companion app. I did all prereqs I found so companion app has credentials synced on android, thread network is preferred, I’m using 2,4Ghz, I’m clicking „set” button on the u200 etc etc

According to smlight docs I found that lists steps when adding the device to the thread/matter, I should have these steps

Connecting to device...
Generating Matter credentials...
Connecting device to network...
Checking network connectivity...
(This step time-outs with an error which says “Can’t connect with the Thread network ha-thread-1b97”)
Connecting device to Home Assistant... (I’m not reaching this step)
Device connected! (I’m not reaching this step)

I wonder how to find out where is the problem, I couldn’t find a proper logs with explanation what is happening, is it U200, is it something else…



Hi, I have a similar problem. I guess that’s because I am running HA in Docker. What is your installation method? I have gave up. I will probably migrate my PI installation to mini PC (VM) in near future.

I’m on a VM on QNAP NAS, so it’s a supported config. For a container based, it’s usually because of IPv6 and bridge config I guess, not the problem in my case