How can I change the USB-port in EDL21 afterwards?

I want to change the USB-Port in EDL21-Integration from




On the Configuration-Window of the EDL21-Integration I can not do this.
Is there a way to config it in yaml-file afterwards?

What i don’t want to do is, deleting the existing device and adding a new device because I then have to create all the template and helper again.

Hello Thomas,

This is a complete guess, but something like this, maybe, from the HA Docs?
EDL21 - Home Assistant.

Also I think if you keep the entity_id’s exactly the same, the automation stuff should still work assuming you delete the original entity’s first. (I’ve been told) Either way, do a backup right before, and if everything breaks, just restore it.

Hello. Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything about this in the EDL21 documentation.