How can I connect tuya bluetooth devices with HA

Hi, I‘m using a raspberry pi for my home assistant system. I like to connect tuya bluetooth temperature sensor with home assistant directly or via a bluetooth proxy.

I‘m able to integrate the sensor in „Smart Life“ app and actually I thought it‘s very easy to connect it also with home assistant.

What have I done?

  • ESP home is already installed and works (I have a working connection to other devices)
  • Sensor is very close to Atom/raspberry
  • unfortunately home assistant can’t find the sensor

Can it be that my device is not appropriate to connect it to my home assistant?

I know there is a way to connect the sensor with „Smart Life“ app and integrate all devices via this app in home assistant. But in this case I have to be at home to get and bring data from sensor into home assistant. But I also need the temperature if I’m not on the road:-)

It is one thing to extend the BT range through an ESPHome BT proxy, it is another for HA to actually have support for any given device.

There is no (actual) standard regarding BT communication, so someone must have spent time reverse engineering the protocol.
Do you have any reason to think the device is supported directly by HA?

Ok, then it is my fault because I thought it is possible to connect EACH bluetooth device with home assistant. Thanks for clarification.