How can I create a graph of a thermostat / climate entity

Hello there

I would like to create a graph of a evo home thermostat (entity climate)

hours_to_show: 24
graph: line
type: sensor
entity: climate.gert_jan
detail: 1

Gives error:
Specify an entity from within the sensor domain

hours_to_show: 24 graph: line type: sensor entity: climate.gert_jan detail: 1

How can I make a sensor of a climate entity?

you don’t need to. The standard Graph card baked in HA works with climate entities.

Thnx Bebe. Wich card do you mean? do you have a link?

Configure UI → add card → choose History graph card

unfortanally its not. I can only select sensor entities in the dropdown. What im a doing wrong?

not sure, here it just works…

Only thing I can think of is, that your climate entity does not support statistics. But it is out of my knowledge to determine, if that is the problem.

Thx for helping. You have a thermostat entity and I have a climate entity think that makes a difference. I hope someone else can help me

look closely on the second pic of me. A thermostat IS a climate entity. That is the weird part… :thinking:

How can I remove the legend? I understand in a “history-graph” this is not possible.

I have the following climate entity and a sensor. The climate entity has 3 values, while in the following graph it’s obvious the 3 values is the target temperature and the single line the current temperature in the room. A title is enough…

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 17.24.38

Gives error:
Specify an entity from within the sensor domain

hours_to_show: 24 graph: line type: sensor entity: climate.gert_jan detail: 1

How can I make a sensor of a climate entity?

@ geepie The error points out that you did not provide an entity with a sensor domain. If you go to the device page of your home thermostat, do you see an sensor entity you can address within the card?

Also, some custom cards provide more customization. Like Mini Graph Card. This is also worth taking a look :slight_smile:

@jnathalia by adding the follwing to the card config:
show_names: false

Thank you so much. It is so simple that I’m wondering about why I didn’t find myself after quite some search :lying_face:

Happy to help :slight_smile: