How can I create an all_automations group?

Now that the update removed the default groups, I need to recreate them manually. Is there a way to do this eg with templates, or do I have to add each automation one by one into a group? That will be a lot of work.
I have the group.all_automations and some others integrated into some of my automations, and also into my lovelace view.
Anything I can do?

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To lovelace you can populate them with auto entities card like this

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
    - domain: binary_sensor

Somewhere on the forum were examples of creating the groups with template but didn’t find it quickly. At least was mentioned in the blog for last release.


There are multiple possibilities.

  1. YAML script
  2. Python script
  3. Appdaemon app
    and the second

Ah, thats it. I used the yaml script and it created the “group.all_automations” and now everything is back to normal.
Thank you a lot!

FYI the only solution that dynamically adds newly created entities into the groups is the first appdaemon app. All the others only create the groups at startup and never maintain the group. So they don’t have the same functionality as it was before.

Sorry for the newbie question, is there a way to group some automations so i can toggle them on or of (not manually), instead of one by one?

Meaning that when I restart HA, the group will not be there, right?
If thats the case, then I guess I can create an automation to run the script at startup.

Believe he means the group is created at startup, but not updated with new automations post-startup (and would require a reboot to be added).

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@Markus99 is correct.

You could always run that as part of an automation that runs every so often (say, every 5 minutes) that will update the group entities, couldn’t you?

What do you actually want to do with the group?

My appdaemon app (the 2nd one) creates the groups everytime homeassistant is restarted.

This is because appdaemon reloads its apps every time it reconnects to home assistant.

I personally did not want to create callbacks everytime a device changes state (to dynamically create groups as new devices are added) as I figured majority use case would be to restart HA when you add a new device anyway so I was comfortable to sacrifice this to not have a potential performance hit.

Yes…not everyone uses appdaemon so this would be the preferred method if wanna use the linked yaml script

My app can do that too :wink:

  module: group_all
  class: GroupAll
  track_new_domains: none
  track_new_entities: false

It also can create single domains

  module: group_all
  class: GroupAll
  track_new_domains: none
  track_new_entities: false
  - switch

It can create groups in all domains

  module: group_all
  class: GroupAll
  track_new_domains: none
  track_new_entities: false
  domains: all

You can rename the groups

  module: group_all
  class: GroupAll
  track_new_domains: none
  track_new_entities: false
  - domain: switch
    name: Switchy mc switch

Yours is definitely more thorough than mine…probably overkill for what I needed, and didn’t exist when I wrote my app.

But I was more responding to this

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I tried to build it day one of 0.104 change but work trumped it. Had I known about your app I probably wouldn’t have created it in the first place.