How can I disable DLNA Digital Media Renderer intergration?

I am having trouble with 1 of my internet radios (Sangean). When Home Assistant “discovers” the radio, it causes their app to crash (disconnect). This happens ever 3-6 seconds… I sent Sangean my logs and they see HA connecting. Pretty sure it’s the DLNA integration that is the cuprite because it’s sees the Sangean, my Yamaha’s (even though I am using the music cast integration) plus my Logitech radios. I have told HA to ignore, tried enabling then disabling, yet it keeps polling Is there any way to disable this?



I’m having a similar issue with a HISense TV. It keeps discovering it as a new device. I don’t need this extra nedia players since it have android TV already

Would also like to know

Anybody found a solution to disable DLNA Media Renderer?
I’m having the same trouble and also look for a way to turn DLNA off.