I’ve set up a number of Atom Lite bluetooth proxies and they’re working around the house. But now I’m trying to add a new bluetooth device to HA. It’s detected by the LED BLE integration, but when I go to add it, it fails, because one of the bluetooth proxies seems to have grabbed it, making it invisible to any other bluetooth clients. I’ve veritified this by:
- unplugging the light
- doing a bluetoothctl scan for devices (it’s not seen)
- plugging it in and repeating the scan (it’s now seen)
- waiting 10 seconds or so then repeating the scan (it’s no longer there).
During those first 5-10 seconds after the device is plugged back in, the LED BLE integration detects the new device and I get the notification that I can add it. But by the time I try to add it, it’s no longer available because some other bluetooth client has grabbed it.
I’m not running any apps that would do this, and if I unplug all my bluetooth proxies, this disappearing doesn’t happen.
I’m aware that there shouldn’t be any problem with having a bluetooth proxy scan for and connect to known integrated devices such as the LEDBLE device I’m plugging in; but I still need a way to be able to work with the device myself and not have these proxies stealing anything and everything they can find (note that many BLE devices can only establish a single connection, thus ‘disappearing’ once something else connects to it).
Apart from going around the house unplugging each bluetooth proxy, how can I disable them temporarily in HA so that the devices don’t find and steal my bluetooth device? Disabling the proxy devices in HA doesn’t do anything apart from stopping HA from caring what the proxy devices are doing. I need to be able to remotely tell each one to stop doing it’s scanning. Is there a way to do this?
How do others work with local BLE devices while having bluetooth proxies installed?