How can I display sensor data as graph/diagram via homekit (Eve)?


Maybe someone can help me. So far I had homebridge running on a Raspi. Out of curiosity I installed home assistant. Actually everything works quite well, except for one thing.

I use some Aqara sensors and bind them into homekit via Deconz/Conbee. With homebridge I could read the sensor data via the app Eve as a history graph/diagram. With home assistant this is no longer possible. Only the current sensor data is read out and displayed at Eve…

is there a solution?

Maybe this is the wrong forum category…

Running into the same problem, Would be very welcome to use this function of the Eve app.


I migrated from FHEM to Home Assistant. So far so good, but I really miss the history in the EVE app.

fakegato-history is what one of the FHEM developers implemented, to get the statistics working:

This is how it looks like:

What do you think about this? Where do we need to place this feature request?

Regards Hoppel