How can i have access to all the features with a manual install

See the post above yours. Somebody else asked for proof of the difference. :wink:

Assuming Raspbian is similar enough to Armbian, here’s what I used to set up everything by pasting a few commands into ssh:

First set a static IP and configure whatever else you need in raspbian-config, then follow the initial pi instructions up until they say to prepare the venv.

sudo -i

Paste #1:
add-apt-repository universe
apt update -y && apt install software-properties-common -y && apt install network-manager -y && apt install default-jre -y && apt install node.js -y && apt install python-pip -y && apt install python -y && apt install default-jre -y && apt install python3 -y && apt install python3-venv -y && apt install python3-pip -y && apt install python3-setuptools -y && apt install python3-dev -y && apt install libffi-dev -y && apt install python-dev -y && apt install socat -y && apt install jq -y && apt install apparmor-utils -y && apt install avahi-daemon -y && apt update -y && apt dist-upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y
ln -sf /lib/systemd/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Paste #2 (replace raspberrypi3 with the options below as needed)

curl -fsSL | sh
pip3 install setuptools wheel virtualenv --upgrade
curl -sL | bash -s – -m raspberrypi3

Then wait. and wait. and wait. It’ll take a good while to complete.


  • raspberrypi
  • raspberrypi2
  • raspberrypi3
  • raspberrypi3-64

If for some reason docker gets messed up, you can remove all the containers and just use the last curl command to reinstall hass .io

To remove all docker containers:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f

I don’t think you even understand how ridiculous this sounds.


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In my defence, I posted this last night but it didn’t post till this morning (the forums went down when I submitted it)

In any case, all anyone is doing at this point is defending my assertion a newbie probably doesn’t want to be screwing with a generic linux install of Hassio. It was after a year of using home assistant (tried the all-in-one on raspbian first, then hassio with ResinOS, then hassio with HassOS before I tried a generic linux install).

I understand your position but if you go back to the OP, it reads he doesn’t want to format his SD card for whatever reason. That will preclude installing or hassbian as both will wipe his SD card.
He also posted that he is a JavaScript developer so that means he has an acquaintance with at least one language.
He also states that he has installed the venv homeassistant and knows a bit about Linux.

@muscaiu, from my reading, isn’t interested in “installation wars” but rather how to get the best out of what he has.
Possibly little things like adding aliases to his Pi login to handle the user and path changes and activate the venv.
If he is editing his config on a remote computer, possibly a windows one considering he is a JavaScript developer, how to set up a samba share of the .homeassistant directory and force the correct permissions when saving the files.

At this stage I’ll be waiting until he clarifies what he wants.

thanks for the info.

But I still wouldn’t say that means that Hassbian is better supported. It just means that those libraries were added to the image and didn’t need to be installed manually. Once you do that then there isn’t any difference between hassbian in a venv & non-hassbian in a venv.


I think that is the best course of action right now.

Funny story.

I’m trying to learn how to integrate my 2 Sonoffs and Mijaa Temp sensor into HomeAssistant (remember still missing the Hassio Tab)

So i must be on the 5-th youtube video praying:
…Please don’t go to the Hassio Tab…
…Please don’t go to the Hassio Tab…


I just did a quick search. Will this help?

I don’t have any mijiaa sensor but I’ve got a bunch of Sonoff’s and I don’t use (or need…or want) hassio.

What do you need to know?

Have you flashed them with another firmware yet?

Yes they are flashed with Tasmota and used in some of my custom apps, but i wanted to try HomeAssistant to see how easy it really is and what does it do.

Not giving up yet, thanks for all the explinations, i now understand why i don’t need the Hassio tab.

here is a configuration that is used for a sonoff basic that i had connected as an extension cord to a boot dryer:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Boot Dryer"
    state_topic: "stat/ext_2/POWER"
    command_topic: "cmnd/ext_2/POWER1"
    availability_topic: "tele/ext_2/LWT"
    qos: 0
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    retain: false

the “ext_2” is the topic defined in tasmota.

put your config into the configuration.yaml and when you restart you will have switch in HA that controls the sonoff. Then you can include that in Lovelace and then you can control it from the frontend.

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