Functionally speaking all the devices with the z-wave logo don’t do anything. But if I disable them, they also disappear from ‘Z-wave node management’…
And that’s not good… Is there a way to hide these z-wave devices without breaking anything…
I put them on a z wave device card in their own view, so I can see the status of them.
There is no way to hide them unless you take control of your ui (at the moment anyway)
I just noticed you posted again (you were lucky) unless you reply to me or tag me or quote me, I dont get a notification.
You can create different views or Dashboards, move things around and make the interface work for you.
Start reading up
Either you take control of the main UI and manually add entities you actually want to see, or you start by creating a new view and adding stuff there. If you don’t feel like doing the work (investing time) let it be like it is and enjoy scrolling a bit more