How can i make my dashboard look better?


Trying to jazz up my dashboard a little, using the hygge! theme currently but as you can see its very plain and boring

the wind speed and internet dont even have icons as i dont know how to add icons to them

any feedback and assistance would be much appreciated

you can add background pics, change colors, make icons bigger or smaller, change text sizes, etc.
its very hard for others to help you get something you like, without knowing what you like :wink:
i would say start with searching on the forum or google for dashboards that you like, to get inspiration.
and when you have been inspired then try to create something that is more like you want.

off course it is very usefull to read here:
and for sure this part

so that you know what options you have.

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you can add an icon (a background really) with:

widget_style: 'background-image: url(""); background-size: 40%; background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat'

here is some more info about css backgrounds if you’re not familiar with it:

ofc change the url to something local

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