How can I post a status of all sensors to another webserver?

I am using HA in several locations. (Home, Garage, Family Member, Office, etc.) I’m basically using it like a security system. I get text messages when a door or protected thing is opened and I monitor temperatures in a couple of places.

I am building a web interface that will display all of my sites in a searchable interface. So I can look at one panel and see the current status of everything, past activity and etc.

When doing this, I basically want to get a current list of all of my statuses and post that to my server so I can take that data and log it. Then if I need to alert myself, I would do it that way. Can’t seem to figure out a good way to do this in HA.

Any suggestions?

You’d probably be best to connect to the SQL DB that hosts all the information. You’ll have to make sure of course that you’ve set your recorder component according to your wishes and you may want to change from default home-assistant_v2.db to a proper DB like MySQL, Maria DB, etc.
Then you can call the data from the DB form your web server

Use the api to get all statuses.

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Can’t use the API from the web if they are behind firewalls unless I open them to the internet. I guess I could do that but IDK how comfortable I am with putting something that can access my house directly on the net.

Ever heard of a VPN?

I am not sure if nabucasa gives API access, worth checking out.