How can I remove symbols on a multiple line template?

Hi, I have a google calendar from which I take the description attribute to sent it via alexa and telegram notification, the problem that I have is that on the google calendar I write a list like that:

- buy some apples
- go to the swimming pool
- charge the electric scooter

On telegram I’m interested to keep that format so I don’t have to make any change, the actual code for telegram is:

service: notify.telegram
  message: |
    These are your tasks for today:
    {{ state_attr('calendar.tasks', 'description') }}

So my question is, how I can code that to remove the "- " text part on every line for have a text like this for alexa?:

buy some apples
go to the swimming pool
charge the electric scooter

I don’t like that alexa read the symbols, it’s so annoying.

Thanks beforehand for the help and for this community, and sorry if I wrote something wrong, i’ from Spain and I did my best with the english that I know.

Copy-paste the following template into the Template Editor and confirm it produces the result you want.

{{ state_attr('calendar.tasks', 'description') | replace('- ', '')  }}
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