How can I replay entries from recorder / home simulation


I would like to enable a home simulation mode, where I play back 1 week old recorder entries for certain entities (lights and switches). I had a proprietary system once, which had this feature. And it worked really well. The intention is to enable this, when the alarm is armed.

Does this already exist? Or what would be my best approach to this?

I am a SW dev, but with no experience within Python / Home Assistant development. Short circuiting the learning path would be great, in the interest of my limited amount of hobby time vs family time.

Thank you

I am using the following custom component for this:

I just installed it a few days again, so I cannot really say if there are some long term issues with the component, but e few shorts tests looked good.

Thank you! Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. I’ll give it a run.