Hello, i ve a perl script and have problems to run this on my Raspi with HA.
i add a file in ~\config\ … ph803_mqtt.pl (code below) and get this message if i start this script:
config ./ph803_mqtt.pl
Can't locate Net/MQTT/Simple.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Net::MQTT::Simple module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl) at ./ph803_mqtt.pl line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ph803_mqtt.pl line 20.
how can i install perl / perl-modules or how can i make this script running?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Simple proof of concept program to get pH and ORP (redox) values from a PH-803W
# inside your local network without the PH803 app and without the gizwits cloud
# (the app is still needed to initially connect the PH-803W to your WLAN)
# No auto discovery, IP address of PH-803W must be known
# (change my $PH_803_IP = ... below)
# Based on the protocol from https://github.com/Apollon77/node-ph803w/blob/727e998c0aea73a4ed7a611b9ff6b65d08998f5f/PROTOCOL.md
# and code from https://www.xmodulo.com/how-to-write-simple-tcp-server-and-client-in-perl.html
# Special thanks to alf_1 !!
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Net::MQTT::Simple;
my $PH_803_IP = '111.222.333.444';
# idx für PH und ORP
my $idxph = '111';
my $idxorp = '222';
my $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Simple->new('localhost:1883');
my $mqtt_username = 'user';
my $mqtt_password = 'pass';
# Allow unencrypted connection with credentials
sub hex2bytes {
my ($hex) = @_;
my $bytes = pack('H*', $hex);
return $bytes;
sub bytes2hex {
my ($bytes) = @_;
my $hex = unpack('H*', $bytes);
return $hex;
# send a hex string to the server (convert to bytes before)
sub sendhex {
my ($socket, $datah) = @_;
my $datab = hex2bytes($datah);
my $len = length($datab);
my $sentlen = $socket->send($datab);
if ($sentlen != $len) {
die "failed to send all $len bytes of $datah, only sent $sentlen";
print "sent $datah\n";
# receive a response of up to 1024 characters from server (returned as a hex string)
sub receivehex {
my ($socket) = @_;
my $datab = '';
$socket->recv($datab, 1024);
my $datah = bytes2hex($datab);
print "received $datah\n";
return $datah;
# verify a response from the server against an expected value (meant for hex strings)
sub verifyhex {
my ($resph, $expectedh) = @_;
if ($resph ne $expectedh) {
die "invalid response: received $resph, expected $expectedh";
print "verified response $resph\n";
# convert a 4 character hex string to a unsigned 16 bit short value
sub hex2ushort {
my ($datah) = @_;
die "input must be a hex string of 4 characters: $datah" unless length($datah) == 4;
my $ushort = unpack('n', hex2bytes($datah));
return $ushort;
# auto-flush on socket
$| = 1;
# create a connecting socket
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => $PH_803_IP,
PeerPort => '12416',
Proto => 'tcp',
if ($socket) {
print "connected to the PH-803W server $PH_803_IP\n";
} else {
# Depending if authentication is required, login to the broker
if($mqtt_username and $mqtt_password) {
$mqtt->login($mqtt_username, $mqtt_password);
# Publish Error
$mqtt->publish("domoticz/in", "{\"command\" : \"addlogmessage\", \"message\" : \"PH-803W: Keine Verbindung zu PH-803W ($PH_803_IP)\" }");
$mqtt->publish("domoticz/in", "{\"command\" : \"addlogmessage\", \"message\" : \"PH-803W: näschster Versuch in 5 Minuten\" }");
die "failed to connect to the PH-803W server $PH_803_IP: $!" unless $socket;
# step 1:
# send 00 00 00 03 03 00 00 06
# and verify that response starts with 00 00 00 03 0f 00 00 07
my $req1h = '0000000303000006';
sendhex($socket, $req1h);
my $resp1h = receivehex($socket);
verifyhex(substr($resp1h,0,16), '000000030f000007');
# step 2:
# send response from step 1, but with byte 8 changed from 07 to 08,
# and verify that response is 00 00 00 03 04 00 00 09 00
my $req2h = substr($resp1h,0,14) . '08' . substr($resp1h,16);
sendhex($socket, $req2h);
my $resp2h = receivehex($socket);
verifyhex($resp2h, '000000030400000900');
# step 3:
# send 00 00 00 03 04 00 00 90 02
# and verify that response starts with 00 00 00 03 0d 00 00 91
my $req3h = '000000030400009002';
sendhex($socket, $req3h);
my $resp3h = receivehex($socket);
verifyhex(substr($resp3h, 0, 16), '000000030d000091');
# response from step 3 contains pH value at bytes 11/12,
# must be interpreted as an unsigned 16 bit value and divided by 100
my $phh = substr($resp3h, 20, 4);
my $ph = hex2ushort($phh) / 100;
# response from step 3 contains ORP value at bytes 13/14,
# must be interpreted as an unsigned 16 bit value and decreased by 2000
my $orph = substr($resp3h, 24, 4);
my $orp = hex2ushort($orph) - 2000;
print "pH=$ph orp=$orp mV\n";
# add code here to do something useful with the values, e.g. send them to MQTT
# Depending if authentication is required, login to the broker
if($mqtt_username and $mqtt_password) {
$mqtt->login($mqtt_username, $mqtt_password);
# Publish Messwerte
$mqtt->publish("domoticz/in", "{\"idx\":$idxph,\"svalue\":\"$ph\"}");
$mqtt->publish("domoticz/in", "{\"idx\":$idxorp,\"svalue\":\"$orp\"}");