The default more-info in Lovelace shows that the light is on or off.
I want to show the brightness as a graph from 1-100% (or 0-255 if that’s easier). How can I do that?
Should work with a template sensor with the brightness attribute of the light.
{% if state_attr('light.milight_gu10', 'brightness') %}
{{ state_attr('light.milight_gu10', 'brightness') }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
So to get this on all my dimmer lights, I have to make 20 or more template sensors.
I wish there was an easier way.
Why would you want to ? (genuine question).
I assume you have dimmer controls that expose the dimmer value at switch on (ie a dial or slider?)
Are you looking to optimise the bulb wattage (lumen level) in each location by checking normal maximum levels ?
My dimmers run from bi-stable switches (std light switch) (the level varies automatically through the day on a profile, but can be over ridden to min or max from the switch. Else I need to dig a tablet out to ‘manually adjust’ the value).
I have brightness sensors in several rooms along with hue lights. Instead of just turning on lights when the sun goes down, I use an automation to increase the brightness of the lights in a given room when the brightness sensor in that room drops below a preset threshold. I have a second automation to dim the lights in the same manner.
This is especially helpful because I live in a very dark house. On rainy days, the hallway and living room are dark as night, and this automation allows home assistant to keep the rooms lit reasonably well so I don’t do anything terrible like step on a wayward lego.
Having the ability to graph the brightness value of the lights with the values from the brightness sensor would give me the ability to assess the effectiveness of the automations in one glance.
I’d like this as well. I have many dimmers whose percentages aren’t exactly linear to the perceived brightness, so setting up any kind of automation with them always requires me to walk to the room, adjust the brightness to what I think we usually use and then put that brightness into my automations.
Hi, i know this is s long time ago but did uou ever figure out thd best way? Its exactly what i am trying to do.
As it was already advised: create a template sensor for a “brightness” attribute.
Or - use a custom graph card which can build graphs for attributes (like “mini-graph-card”).