How can i show when the TRVs are actually heating?

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - sensor.lroom_t_and_h_custom_temperature
        name: Living Room
          labels: true
          - value: 23
            color: '#87b8ea'
          - value: 23.5
            color: '#f07857'
          - value: 24
            color: '#bf2c34'
      - type: custom:mushroom-number-card
        entity: input_number.room_thermostat
        display_mode: slider
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        icon_type: none
        name: ' '

the top part is a mini graph card showing the temp over time, the bottom part is a mushroom number card where the slider controls an input number helper which i use for setting temperature in the room.
ideally I would like some indication when the TRVs are actually heating, maybe the thermometer icon goes red or the slider goes red or something.
there are 2 TRVs in this room


and I would like an indication when either is heating, their state is either off or heat
thanks in advance


type: horizontal-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - sensor.lroom_t_and_h_custom_temperature
        name: Living Room
          labels: true
          - value: 23
            color: '#87b8ea'
          - value: 23.5
            color: '#f07857'
          - value: 24
            color: '#bf2c34'
      - type: custom:mushroom-number-card
        entity: input_number.room_thermostat
        display_mode: slider
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        icon_type: none
        name: ' '

I suggest you put this into a Conditional card triggered by the status of your TRV.
Configuration with UI is easy. Look for the conditional card.

thanks, but I want the graph and slider to show up all the time not just when the TRV is heating.

You probably can’t have that based on trv status. Maybe some trvs has some sensor that can detect does hot water is in the radiator but I doubt that.
You can stick some temperature sensor on the radiator or very close to it.

Create a derivative helper on the TRV “current temp” and if it goes +ve over your set time range then it’s on. What you do after that is up to you :slight_smile:

The built-in thermostat tile card has an indicator when the TRV is active.

That has nothing to do with radiator heat. Trv can be open or closed based on your temperature settings. And you can use indoor and outdoor sensors to calibrate trv temp reading.
You can’t even tell if the radiator is heating or not because radiator doesn’t heat anything. Of course you can see if valve is open or closed and based on that you can presume that radiator should be heating or not. . But that is about it.
Furnace or boiler provide heating. Radiator just do what the name say, radiating heat in to the room.

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I use a red outline on the card when the TRV is heating:

Iuse Hive TRVs with the Hive custom component to separate the sensors, you can just use the climate entity instead

        style: |
          {% if states('sensor.living_room2_state') == 'ON' %}
            ha-card {
              outline: 1.5px solid #2196f3;

With all due respect, I think you are over-interpreting what the OP is asking for.

I read that they just want to add an indication to their current display whether the TRV is open or closed i.e whether it is aiming towards the target temperature, or whether it has achieved that.

The core tile card gives that indication via its badge, as well as providing the current setting of the TRV in the secondary status line. it also provides a means to set the target temperature using the target-temperature feature.

I read that they just want to add an indication to their current display whether the TRV is open or closed i.e whether it is aiming towards the target temperature, or whether it has achieved that.

precisely that

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Oke obviously I misinterpreted something.
But there are some integrations like better thermostat and better thermostat ui that can pritty precise tell you if your trv is open or closed.
In this case is the radiator heating or not.

Valves can be open 100% - but if the boiler is off the TRV is not heating :slight_smile:

In each one of my TRV’s climate entity, the hvac_action attribute shows when it is heating or idle. If any of my TRVs are calling for heat then they turn the boiler on.