Is there a way to template both keys and values?
I’ve tried:
actions: |-
{%- for entity in room_entities -%}
- action: 'autoroom_{{ entity }}'
title: '{{ state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name') }}'
{%- endfor %}
but it becomes
actions: |-
- action: 'autoroom_light.wohnzimmer_dimmer'
title: 'Wohnzimmer Dimme
and it should become
- action: 'autoroom_light.wohnzimmer_dimmer'
title: 'Wohnzimmer Dimme
January 16, 2022, 11:12am
You will need to work with JSON objects.
actions: >-
{% set room_entities=[ "Wohnzimmer","Kueche","Bad","Schlafzimmer" ] %}
{% set data = namespace(actions=[]) %}
{%- for entity in room_entities -%}
{% set action_json = {"action": 'autoroom_'+ entity|string,
"title": state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name')|string } %}
{% set data.actions = data.actions + [ action_json ] %}
{%- endfor %}
{{ data.actions }}
{# data.actions[1] #}
1 Like
January 16, 2022, 11:13am
by supplying actions
with a list of dictionaries assuming it can be templated
actions: >
{% set ns = namespace(actions=[]) %}
{% for entity in room_entities %}
{% set ns.actions = ns.actions + [ {"action": "autoroom_" ~ entity, "title": state_attr(entity, "friendly_name") } ] %}
{% enfor %}
{{ ns.actions }}
However, i should say that this seems odd. What actions are you referring to? Typically actions are a service and a data section. Those cannot be templated like this, however the entire data section can.
{% set room_entities=[ "Wohnzimmer","Kueche","Bad","Schlafzimmer" ] %}
{% set data = namespace(actions=[]) %}
{%- for entity in room_entities -%}
{% set action_json = {"action": 'autoroom_'+ entity|string,
"title": state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name')|string } %}
{% set data.actions = data.actions + [ action_json ] %}
{%- endfor %}
{{ data.actions }}
{# data.actions[1] #}
I use the action section with the notify.mobile_app_xyz service:
- service: |-
{% set y = expand(presence_notification_entities_str.keys()) | selectattr('state', 'in', presence_states) | map(attribute='entity_id') | first %}
{{ presence_notification_entities_str.get(y) if y | length > 0 else 'none' }}
message: "Click on a device to toggle its state"
title: "{{expand(presence_notification_entities_str.keys()) | selectattr('state', 'in', presence_states) | map(attribute='state') | first }} - ble"
color: '#154c79'
sticky: 'true'
channel: 'Ble Notify'
importance: high
persistent: true
tag: ble_persistent
notification_icon: 'mdi:pin'
image: "https://ha/local/{{expand(presence_notification_entities_str.keys()) | selectattr('state', 'in', presence_states) | map(attribute='state') | first }}.png"
actions: >
{% set ns = namespace(actions=[]) %}
{% for entity in room_entities %}
{% set ns.actions = ns.actions + [ {"action": "autoroom_" ~ entity, "title": state_attr(entity, "friendly_name") } ] %}
{% endfor %}
{{ ns.actions }}