I read the docs here:
However I need to use a template to send a MQTT payload that has {{ test }}
in it. I’m using data_template to build my MQTT payload.
How can I do this?
I’ve tried the template tester in dev tools and cannot figure out how to do it
Nice, I didn’t know you could print things within the brackets like that. It works great, thanks. 
I was trying to set up variables like this:
{% set json = {
"start": "{{",
"end": "}}"
} %}
{{ json.start }} test {{ json.end }}
But {{ '{{ test }}' }}
works better and doesn’t need multiple lines also.
Yeah, it’s just a string being output. Also, you can make a macro that does the same thing if you need to use it multiple times inside a template:
{%- macro ret(v) %}
{{- '{{{{ {} }}}}'.format(v) }}
{%- endmacro %}
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