How can I use telnet command on Raspberry Pi3 (at with resinOS)?


I want to control my IR device with telnet.
I tried to use “telnet” command but “command not found”.
I also tried “Telnet Switch”, but the IR device needs to sleep when command sent, so I have to use telnet command with sleep.

Any ideas?


I can use telnet command after install “busybox-extras”

apk update; apk add busybox-extras

Then I can use telnet.
But rebooting deletes the buxybox-extra package.

Any ideas?

You aren’t supposed to install anything in hassio. It’s a docker container.

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I use ´curl telnet://´ instead of pure telnet in my docker container.


Thank you for your reply!

I use ´curl telnet://´ instead of pure telnet in my docker container.

Just I also tried curl command such as:
(sleep 1; echo "command"; sleep 1) | curl --raw --connect-timeout 3 telnet://
(But it is not working yet. I have to adjust bash commands)

I believe my method is true by your advise.

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