How can we implement a system like tuya using Home-Assistant.
There are two options, one cloud based and one local, both have some limitations:
In brief, Tuya is a company that sells turn-key solutions (to manufacturers) to build IOT devices that communicate via Tuya’s cloud service.
Which part of all that are you suggesting should be implemented by the Home Assistant project?
I would assume using MQTT with some robust error handling code would be trivial to set up. Once the device has an internet connection, it will connect to your broker in the cloud, get assigned configuration, look for firmware updates, etc.
Thanks for the reply,
I think you did not understand my problem, What I suppose to ask you is not about integrating tuya with Home-assistant. It’s about creating a system which a backend and its own database and application. In that, a user can auto-detect the devices and config the Home-assistant add-on from his configuration remotely using REST API without the UI/file Based.
Actually, I believe you don’t understand what Tuya is. It offers a range of services and access to their cloud is just one of them.
What you appear to be proposing (in your follow-up post) is for the Home Assistant project to duplicate Tuya’s cloud service. What do you propose would be the advantages to the end-user for trading one cloud service for another?
Were you aware that there are already two ways to integrate Tuya-based devices with Home Assistant? (see links posted above)