How Can we make Google Home repeat a broadcast until a condition is complete?
I have a 433Mhz Door sensor connected to my Home assistant Thru Sonoff Bridge (Espurna Flashed).
Whenever the Door is Open I want Google Home to say " Your Door is Open" (thru Text to speech feature HA).
I also want google home to repeat the above phrase every minute or two until the door is closed physically.
easiest way is to have an automation that triggers every min with a condition that checks the door status and plays the TTS if open.
Something like:
- alias: Alert If Door Is Left Open
initial_state: true
- platform: time
minutes: '/1'
seconds: 0
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.door_sensor_name
state: 'on'
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.google_home_name
message: 'Your Door is Open'
sorry I’m not sure I understand your questions. the “trigger every min” is something I use for a lot of automations, especially alarms.
what do you mean by
not really, running through the logical tests takes next to no time at all, then it would be “idle” for over 59 sec…
I have a python script that checks GPIO ports and does a few others checks, the script runs in a loop with a 10ms pause. That only uses 10% of CPU, so running a script every min, we’re laughing