How do I access a Frigate clip of a detected person?

I have Frigate set up and working, its doing person detection and inside Frigate i can see all of the detected people across the various cameras and view the clips of them moving about. Great.

Inside HA I can use image.my_camera_person to see the latest image of the latest detected person on my_camera, but i want to be able to click the image card and open the clip so I can watch the whole clip.

Where do I get the clip URL from?

How do I get the clip associated with the still image from a HA dashboard?


Hasn’t worked since HA 2024.11 I couldn’t find a fix after several hours. It was hinted that I shouldn’t complain as these are all volunteers.

The videos not playing bug is due to be fixed in 2024.12 but thats not what im asking

Where do you get the clip url from? i cant see it in MQTT, but maybe i looked in the wrong place