I’m struggling to install How do I add an Aqara Motion Sensor in Homekit on an Ipad I have no iPhone to integrate it and have to use HomePod Mini but nothing is showing up in Homekit Controller in Home Assistant.
I have managed to add it in Zigbee with me using a Sonoff ZBDONGLE-E but its not showing anything up on my ipad Apple 2021 iPad (9th Generation) though I see other things light my lights and strip lights.
I also see a lot to set your ipad up as a hub but again I do not see Home in my settings! I see it on the desk top but not in the settings!
I also do not seem to have a Homekit icon in Home Assistant to add other devices. This also does not seem right to me as on Videos I see on the setup I see a Homekit icon
This image is on my ipad!
Someone did mention adding something to the configuration.yaml but when I tried this it stopped it all from working including the zigbee Sonoff as well and I only tried to add the filter:
- binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_motion
into it
Hope someone can help explain more on getting Homekit to work well from a ipad so then I can use the sensor to turn the display on when someone approaches it .