Hi ,
i have created an integration for an Air quality monitoring device HibouAir. It shows real-time air quality data using BLE and also from API. Now i want to add this integration on Homeassistant websites integration section . Integrations - Home Assistant
The idea is that HibouAir user can add this integration easily.
Can anyone please help with the procedure.
Thank you
I think the integration list on the Home Assistant website is the official integrations supported and maintained by the HA developer team.
Third party integrations are usually added to Home Assistant Community Store (HACS), which is also a third party integration, but one that pretty much all users install quite fast.
Click the Publish link in the upper left corner to get the info on how to make your own integration available through HACS.
Wally is right, it will be much easier to publish it on HACS.
But if you really believe that it would be a valuable addition to the official integrations, then you can follow this link
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Thank you very much. I think I have my answer now. Will try HACS first.