How do I add old philips hue bulb to new ZHA

I have this exact same problem. What is the hard way you’ve learned? @VBrenner

The hard way was to remove bridge from Hue app, disconnect it from the router and nearly packed into storage. Then I realised the Home Assistant doesn’t see bulbs anyway - so I went to reconnect it all back, re add to Hue, discover bulb with it, remove the bulb from it, connect bulb through Conbee II and then finally remove bridge and disconnect it.

Long story short - first remove bulb from bridge whilst both powered on and showing in Hue app, then connect to ZHA. In that order

How did you get the bulbs back into pairing mode? I’m in the same situation, everything is removed from the hue app and now I can’t connect anything anymore. @VBrenner

If the bulb was removed from bridge while it was powered on it will automatically go into the sync mode. Then you can either discover it with ZHA or add back to hue bridge

Yeah that is kind off my problem, it does not happen automatically in the case the bulb was deleted with the power off. Even after a power cycle

hmmm… have you tried to readd it to Hue bridge through Hue app?

I think I managed to do it. Aparently my zigbee dongle connected to home assist added some bulbs with standard names, without my knowledge. So that is why I was missing a few.
For some lights I had to resort to adding them based on their serial number.
A hasle indeed.

I’d like to share the following, just for future reference for anyone who might come across the same issue.

I recently purchased a Zigbee coordinator, the Zig-Star UZG-01 model, because I wanted to connect it via Ethernet (previously, I had a SonOff that worked well, but it used WiFi). Everything went perfectly except for two different Philips Hue bulbs that wouldn’t link to the network. The reason was the one discussed in this thread.

So, I tried using the solution provided by Zigbee2MQTT through TouchLink. What I did was an installation of the Zigbee2MQTT addon with the parameters indicated by the manual (and the device’s website), and there was the TouchLink option. The process of resetting them was so quick and simple I couldn’t believe it, but shortly after, in the ZHA setup, I did a new search for devices and there were the bulbs.

So, issue resolved and the Zigbee2MQTT module uninstalled since I prefer to continue with ZHA.