How do i add the light effect attirbute to automation - colorloop

Could someone kindly help me add the effect attribute to the this automation.

I’ve cant seem to get it to work

alias: Front_Door_Lights_Auto_On
description: ""
  - trigger: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: 0
conditions: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 5d5bbf01cc5ef00bd1a9bbfcfbbc1446
    entity_id: a7ec50e49539ba9824526f72490d0808
    domain: light
mode: single

The first is a Device action which doesn’t support selecting effect for a light. The second one looks like you have mashed together parts of a Device action and an light.turn_on action. Just select the light.turn_on action in the UI editor and it will give you the option for effect.

Hi Vinney,