How do I add the Neewer SL80 light using the new bluetooth Integration

I would like to to add the Neewer SL80 light using the new bluetooth Integration. I am assuming because it wasn’t immediately recognized like a bunch of other devices were, it is not known yet.

My question is, what information can I gather that woudl be helpful to get this light to be controlled? If someone can point me in the correct direction, I would love to help, but I don’t currently have any knowledge of how I would go about doing this.

Thanks for all of the great work everyone does and the great answers I always get from this community.

I am interested in a Neewer Integration as well. :grinning:

I’ve been using this project: GitHub - taburineagle/NeewerLite-Python: NeewerLite-Python is an un-official cross-platform Neewer LED light control app - written in Python, originally based off of the NeewerLite macOS Swift project by @keefo (Xu Lian) along with a rough MQTT wrapper I wrote for it. Doing this via the new bluetooth integration seems like the right approach. I haven’t had time to look into what’s involved making that work, but at least someone has worked out the Bluetooth protocol details, so it shouldn’t be too hard to port to HA.


Hi @andrerenard, have you published the MQTT wrapper for NeewerLite-Python anywhere? I’d really like to implement this at home!