How do i add two mjpeg camera?

I tried multiple times with different ways

  platform: mjpeg
  mjpeg_url: IP_address
  name: Camera 1
  platform: mjpeg
  mjpeg_url: IP_address
  name: Camera 2

tried this
> camera:
> platform: mjpeg
> mjpeg_url: IP_address
> name: Camera 1
> mjpeg_url: IP_address
> name: Camera 2

tried this
> camera:
> platform: mjpeg
> mjpeg_url: IP_address
> name: Camera 1
> platform: mjpeg2
> mjpeg_url: IP_address
> name: Camera 2

Try with an extra space, camera 2:

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thanks danielhiversen that one worked …

Also look into splitting your config files. This way you don’t have to enumerate your entries. It’s also great for organizing things when your configuration starts to get long enough that you have to include numbers for your devices!