How do I apply config changes to ZWaveJS to MQTT?

Hi Matt,

Only issue is that I don’t appear to have a parameter 7?! :thinking:

It’s a custom configuration :slight_smile:

Hi Matt and everyone,

Apologies for the prolonged delay in reply - one round of COVID and a couple of network rebuilds later and just wanted to wrap up on this thread.

Despite the fact that I don’t think the Tamper sensors are working (low impact for me), I do now have multiple TSM02s working ok for me with the following settings (using Celsius):

Thanks again to all whose assistance in this thread I could not have done without!

I can be stupid and limited, but from where that “custom configuration” can be found?
I have that problem also, Tsm02 not report illumination or temp with any gonfig setting. Only when i manually touch tamper switch.
Previously with Zipato controller it worked nicely. And also short time after I moved it to this HA. But then it stopped reporting.
Tried any possible config setting, no success.

Solved nicely, thanks to this thread.
Found that zwave-js-ui addon and got it working. Noticed, that very many z-wave device have very odd default configuration… They can’t work at all, which was noticed.
Now i have working Tkb-multisensor and also couple of other death presumed device again alive.