How do I change the default icon color in a theme?

I’m currently having a look into the iOS dark mode theme (GitHub - basnijholt/lovelace-ios-dark-mode-theme: 🏠🤖 Theme by @basnijholt based on iOS Dark Mode for Lovelace Home Assistant). I like it very much, it’s great, but I want to change the default icon color from white to steel blue ( [#4682B4). So I edited the yaml file but I cannot find out which line I have to change. Everything I try changes the wrong color. Can anybody help?

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Thanks! It works but only with the build in hass icons and not with the MDI icons I use.

It only works for entities that are on, and it will work with all on/off entities. It will do nothing for colored lights.

Got it! Plus it doesn’t seem to work with button cards that have no entity assigned.

It’s only for entities that are on. If the button card doesn’t have an entity… how will it know it’s on?

Well, I was looking for a way to change the colors in general. In the default theme all icons are steelblue regardless of their state. They are white in the ios dark mode theme. Thought there had to be a way to change them to steelblue. Maybe there is but obviously not with line 38.

Read each field and make educated guesses. They all cover various states. For the most part, active icons are paper-item-icon-active-color and inactive icons (when off) are paper-item-icon-color. Anything else will be context sensitive. You can find out this information yourself by using dev tools for chrome (F12) and hovering over the element and figuring out which one it’s using.

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Found your post after needing to do the exact same thing, so thanks for that! You’ve probably found by now that under # Other in the themes is paper-item-icon-color, and that’s what we’re looking for. However, that slate blue looks bad on the ios-dark-mode-light-green theme. rgba(56, 175, 214, 1) doesn’t look too bad. What did you end up with?

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I left for another theme which is quite similar. There I found out that paper-item-icon-color is what I was looking for. I decided to use #4682b4.

May I ask what theme you’re using now?

Sure. I went for GitHub - JuanMTech/ios_dark_mode_theme: 🎨 By JuanMTech -- A Home Assistant theme inspired on the iOS dark mode interface.