How do I configure this weird MJPEG camera?

Hi, I have a Panasonic AW-HE2 camera which outputs an MJPEG video stream. Its webpage does it in a weird way though, because it just refreshes a script really fast that outputs an image. You can see here:


Now, if I try to set the camera’s URL ( as the URL for the MJPEG IP camera entity, it just shows a still image.

I got it to work this summer somehow, but I forgot how I did it and i haven’t found a way to turn the still images into a video stream, I have tried several other keywords for the ?action= thing in the URL to no avail. The only option is to refresh the image really fast.

I could also give you the javascript files to see if you could do something with the &n= option at the end.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Arctis,

While I don’t have that exact model; I do have some with similar setups.

Research to see if there’s a configuration for RTSP; that’d be for a live stream instead of snapshot mode. I had to setup the RSTP ports for my cameras in HA to get mine to work.

I went on Live stream from Panasonic IP camera into web page using RTSP stream and my camera isn’t in the list of supported cameras for RTSP streaming. Any other option?

I did a quick search and found this resource:

Looks like you can use the http port but alter your URL target to:


If you click the URL, it generates a syntax like this:

http://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{CAMERA IP}/cgi-bin/mjpeg?stream={STREAM NUMBER}

See if that will pull in the stream instead of sending snapshots.

EDIT: Actually, may not paste in browser; see if you can “open live stream” in VLC just to test out if that’s the correct syntax for the camera.

It does work, but the resolution is 320x360 instead of 640x480. I want the higher resolution since the first one is kind of pixelated. I tried but all it shows is a black screen.

Did you try with: /cgi-bin/mjpeg?stream instead of “camera” in the URL?

It doesn’t look like resolution is supported in the URL call for live stream.

If i go to the camera’s webpage, it says it supports 640x480
(the resolutions are a bit off, theyre supposed to say 320x240 and 640x480)

The stream number may denote the resolution (like 0 for 320 or 1 for 640); don’t know for sure, but you can test them both out.

?stream=0 and ?stream=1 both output 320x240. I know it should output 640x480 since it worked a couple months ago.