How do I connect 2nd RPi4 with HA to primary with Zigbee Integration?

I have two RPi4 devices with HA. The primary is for myself and the 2nd will have a simplified GUI for family members. I have the Zigbee Integration working on the primary. How can I get the 2nd RPi4 with HA to read the Zigbee data from the primary so it can get status updates as well as control the Zigbee devices paired to the primary?

Should I use home-assistant-remote ?


I added Home Assistant Remote to HACS and edited the configuration.yaml of the 2nd RPi4 to include the following:

  - host: IP of primary
    port: 8123
    secure: true
    verify_ssl: false
    access_token: Long-Lived Access Token on primary
        - light.zigbee1
        - light.zigbee2
        - light.zigbee3

I had to get a Long-Lived Access Token on primary before I could get Home Assistant Remote to work. I also put the following in the configuration.yaml of the primary but I am not yet sure that it had to be done -

    - type: trusted_networks
        - IP of 2nd RPi4/32

I did not have to include subscribe_events: in the configuration.yaml of the 2nd RPi4 in order to see changes of the lights regardless which instance of HA turned them on or off.