I would like some help in finding the best HA techniques to solve the following use-case:
I have:
a weather station which reports the solar radiation (in watt/m²).
solar panels for which the inverter reports the current power which is being produced.
Both are available as numeric sensors. (sensor.weather_solar_rad , sensor.weather_pacinvtot ).
(I get the data via MQTT, but that is not relevant.)
Sometimes the inverter switches off. This is a safeguard if there is a peak somewhere.
If this goes unnoticed, I lose solar energy, of course. Several hours or several days, until I notice it.
Create a “device” in Home Assistant that has a virtual indication if the inverter is working or not.
default state = working (on).
if there is sufficient sunlight (sensor.weather_solar_rad > treshold (say 20 w/m²) AND
the inverter is not generating power (sensor.weather_pacinvtot = 0)
state = not working (off) .
and then an action to set the status back to “working” : if there is light and power : state = working.
If state goes from on to off , send an alarm.
which HA techniques can I use to solve this use case ?