How do i create a single lovelace entry with two arrows?

I’d like to create an entry like this for each of my rooms:Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.37.08

Each arrow would call a different service (which are curtain up and curtain down through a Broadlink Pro). It would basically go under the light controls as an additional line.

I’m missing the right jargon as to what these arrows are called in order to do the proper google-fu… Thanks so much!

I can’t see your screenshots but you probably need to create template covers for each of your curtains. The covers can then be added to your dashboard.

ok. you seem to have put me on the right track for sure. Thanks tom.

My one question (which is a hijack of my own thread) is how to make a template cover when what i want to call is a service.

service: remote.send_command
  device: Master-bedroom-windows
  command: curtain-down
  num_repeats: 4
  delay_secs: 0.4
  device_id: dd1f0f284f47ce229894158e40771157

would be what i want to call when i click one of the arrows. I"ll test more tomorrow - late here already. Thanks for the help!

There are places in the configuration for services to open and close the cover. See the example here:

Thank you @tom_l. Looks great.
Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 11.58.16

For posterity and google, i use a broadlink rm4 pro to send RF commands to cheap Lowes RF shades (these: I set it up using the broadlink documentation here (Broadlink - Home Assistant) with a single centrally located broadlink device sending commands to 6 shades in 4 rooms.

This is what the end template looks like in /config/configuration.yaml:

  - platform: template
        device_class: shade
        friendly_name: "Master Bedroom Windows Shades"
        #position_template: "{{ states('sensor.position-sensor') }}"
          #- condition: state
          #  entity_id: sensor.position-sensor
          #  state: "off"
          - service: remote.send_command
              device: Master-bedroom-windows
              command: curtain-up
              num_repeats: 4
              delay_secs: 0.4
              device_id: dd1f0f284f47ce229894158e40771157
          #- condition: state
          #  entity_id: sensor.position-sensor
          #  state: "on"
          - service: remote.send_command
              device: Master-bedroom-windows
              command: curtain-down
              num_repeats: 4
              delay_secs: 0.4
              device_id: dd1f0f284f47ce229894158e40771157
          - service: remote.send_command
              device: Master-bedroom-windows
              command: curtain-stop
              num_repeats: 4
              delay_secs: 0.4
              device_id: dd1f0f284f47ce229894158e40771157

I left the commented section of the sensor; i don’t have a way to identify where the shade is, and i’m contemplating if pasting a door contact sensor to the top (or bottom) of the shade is worth it, since it would still be binary (fully open/not fully open).