How do I delete "_2" entities?

This has been asked a thousand times before and there is still no answer.

I created a template entity in my configuration.yaml, tested it and then deleted it. But it just won’t go away.
It is not in an integration, so I can’t just delete and rediscover the integration.
When I click on the entity in settings/entities, I get:

This entity (‘sensor.windspeed_in_knots_2’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI.

I grep “windspeed” and got a hit in core.restore_state, deleted it there and restarted. It’s still in integrations.


I think that you can solve this with a watchman. It’s a custom integration from hacs.
It will pin point you what entities are missing in configuration yaml files.
I deleted some entities that didn’t exist anymore with help of it.

You are right. I had forgotten that watchman would tell me where it finds the entity.
But, I already restored to last nights snapshot to get to a time before I created the entity.

But, I am tempted to create it again to see where Watchman thinks it is from.