Hi, complete noob here just getting started with HA. I am trying to create a card to show general information about my set up such as the state of my lights and curtains in rows. For example, i want a card that shows if my Living Room light is on or off, instead of a switch to toggle.
I’ve tried using the entities card, and for entities like persons it shows fine but how do i display the state of the entities on the right column instead of a toggle switch? i tried using type:attribute but it shows a ‘-’ instead. Answer is probably super obvious but i’m lost, can some kind soul point me in the right direction?
here’s my code -
type: entities
title: At a Glance
- entity: person.me
- type: attribute
entity: light.bathroom_bathroom_319
attribute: brightness
- type: attribute
entity: cover.living_living_curtain_341
attribute: state
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: true
What you’re asking for isn’t easy. By default, the entities card will try to display each entity as the type that they are. I.e. your switch will appear as a switch.
You have plenty of options to do this, but they all require some extra configuration or custom lovelace cards.
The easiest way, without anything custom, would be to make a template binary sensor.
- binary_sensor:
- name: Living Room Curtain State
state: >
{{ is_state('cover.living_living_curtain_341', 'open') }}
device_class: opening
Ah ok… I thought it would be doable since the Glance cards actually show exactly what i want. Is it then possible to show Glance cards in a vertical format?