How do I edit core.config_entries in container?

I have tried to change IP address for my SMA in core.config_entries but as soon as I restart HA it gets back to the old IP.

I am running HAOS so as soon as I shutdown HA I cannot access the files in the container.

Anyone know how to edit the file when the HA is not running?

And where does it get this “old” IP from ? , wouldn’t it be more appropriate changing the IP there( at it’s orign ) ( and keep your fingers from “core.config_entries” )
PS: I don’t know what SMA means in this context

I don’t know but everywhere I read it says that core.config_entries are the file to change in but it doesn’t help.

SMA is an integration

This does not make sense( AND i doubt it’s any official places you read this), you should not make changes here manually. … seriously
Start by your integration, apparently an IP-device, So check your Router-Settings, if you have any DNS , flush-it/check-it, So if you take you SMA-Device down( and it’s default dhcp, and everything is “cleaned” for traces of you “unwanted ip number”) you should get a new from your router.
You could also start in this end " Manually setting the IP-number for the SMA-Device (Mac-binding).In Your Router

IF you have SSH-access to your HAOS you could try

ha supervisor stop EDIT. You’ll loose your UI, so skip this, core-stop might work
ha core stop

But Again, fix the orig of the “unvanted” IP … check your Router or DNS, or HA-dns … And ofcause your SMA integration

I have already set static IP in my router.
When I added my SMA Inverter I though that I should only have one Inverter but I have two.
It is not very important to change IP in integration.

I have all my IPs in different range depending of device.

Thanks I will try that

There is a big difference in setting a static-ip, outside the dhcp-scope, and binding an IP within the dhcp scope
Depends upon whether you can set static-ip on your device, or if the device per default want dhcp

Thanks, “ha core” and then edit core.config_entries solved the “problem”

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