I’m planing to notify my Home Assistant app when a MQTT device goes offline (ideally for more than 30s) and have started building the automation but I don’t know what code I’d put in the message template. I’ve found a fair bit online about trigger.topic.split but not sure how I’d use that. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
- id: mqtt_offline_notification
alias: "MQTT Offline Notification"
description: "Send notification when LWT goes offline."
# run whenever any LWT sensor state changes to offline for more than 5s
platform: mqtt
topic: tele/+/LWT
payload: 'offline'
condition: []
- service: notify.mobile_app_nokia_7_1
I’d need to extract ‘washer’ from a topic like this tele/washer/LWT
The default mode (for the action) is single. That means if the first instance of the action is still running when the automation is triggered again, the second attempted instance will be rejected (and a warning message is logged). You can change that behavior by setting mode to queued (or parallel).
Have you got some advice on how I could add a condition so that if the device comes back online within 30s, it stops the automation? My testing is going well but I’m getting notified even though the device connected back to the broker 2 seconds later.
Also worth noting, the payload topic in the trigger is case sensitive.
What about a service_template that activates an input_boolean that tracks the state; Offline or Online? Then we could call another service to action the notifier based on a condition that the input_boolean is on for more than x? Just spit-balling out loud