How do I get humidity data from CT101 thermostat

I added a few of these thermostats, and everything seems to be working fine, but I can’t seem to figure out how to add the humidity reading into home assistant. It doesn’t seem to show up anywhere. Does anyone know what I need to do in order to get that working?

It should have created several new sensors, one of which gives the humidity.

Here’s mine:

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Unfortunately, it didn’t create that. I read a couple posts on other sites and it looks like this might be a very slight difference between the Iris version and the regular CT101. It apparently sends the humidity information in a slightly different way, and open-zwave doesn’t like it.

I’m not 100% sure that is what is happening, but I’m definitely not seeing the humidity sensor.

I know this an older thread, but this turned out to be a bug I guess. It was recently fixed in OpenZWave:

Awesome. Any idea as to when this fix will be pushed to home assistant?

It looks like if you’re not using there’s a way to update OpenZWave. I couldn’t find out if this was possible for or when we could expect an update. :frowning:

Seems like this is included in 0.82. I’m seeing humidity now.