How do i get if an entity is disable or not?

I am not able to find any information on how with tempate can get if an entity is disable or not.
Is there anyone that can guide me in the right direction?
The reason I am asking is that i have a loop for unavailable entities and would like to make sure disable is not included in that list.

Could you share your current code.

If you’re doing something like

{% for state in states.sensor %}

I would think disabled entities would not be in the list (which results from states.sensor or states.whatever.)

I was under the impression that hidden entities wouldn’t be on the automatic dashboards but would appear in automations etc. However, disabled entities basically, don’t exist as far as home assistant is concerned.

I may be wrong …

Agreed. @kimvonmullen, just go the STATES tab of the developer tools page. If the entity isn’t listed, it’s not in the state machine, and hence will not be in the list.

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Hi everyone
Thank you. @pnbruckner you are right, it seems as there a bit delayed between when it is marked disable and before it does not show up in the output {% for state in states.sensor %}