Can any help me with this setup.
I got a 4 channel ac dimmer
And 4 rotary encoders
I want the uno to operate each channel either by the rotary encoder or Google assistant via the node mcu
Anyone share some light ?
Thank you
Can any help me with this setup.
I got a 4 channel ac dimmer
And 4 rotary encoders
I want the uno to operate each channel either by the rotary encoder or Google assistant via the node mcu
Anyone share some light ?
Thank you
It is a bit difficult to see what that device actually does as their documentation is light (to say the least). However from what I can see this is a dimmer that is controllable by TTL level PWM signalling, through the low voltage connectors brought out on the side opposite the high voltage stuff.
If I am right I would be using an esp32 and esphome to control it and interface with home assistant. You mention a uno (presumably an arduino uno) but you really want some network connectivity, hence me saying esp32.
PS I am no electrical engineer (BE Electrical, failed, became a lawyer). However if this device is safe and works, it looks like a good addition to the home assistant crew.
I would plug the esp8266 directly to it, if the needed signal current is less than what the esp8266 can accept on its pin. If not I would go to an arduino with a connectivity shield (ethernet of wifi).
i wanted to use a esp32, but i bought the esp8266 by mistake.
so there isnt enough gpio pins on the nodemcu
so i wanted to use the nodemcu to pass the data to the uno
can i get a basic code to get me on the right direction ?
Will i need to manually create a custom light / sensor ? or can i use one of the premade components ?