How do i include automations.yaml + dir_merge_list, please advise!


I’m not sure from reading the guides avalible how I implement the following:

I want to go from my current automation include
“automation: !include_dir_merge_list ./automations”

To using both the main yaml and my current setup so I can use blueprints via the UI
while also retaining my separate folder for my custom automations:

  • automations.yaml
  • automation: !include_dir_merge_list ./automations

Can someone help me?

here is the config I use:

## only used for the testing of the GUI editors
automation: !include automations.yaml

## All of my regular automations go here
automation yaml: !include_dir_merge_list automations/

I never use the GUI except for testing as indicated in the comment but this config should work as long as you create an “automations” folder in your config directory.

under that directory you will have all of your yaml files for your manual automations.


Thank you will give it a try

Thank you @finity.
When I saw this post I take look on documentation and I really found it.
I really didn’t kow that this is possible. I was used automation directory with soft link to automation.yaml.
I would like to say that same principle works for scripts too, despite that this is not mentioned in documentation.