How do I install core-2022.6.x from scratch on RPi?


I need to run an old core-2022.6.x on my RasPi to have a specific Add-On working.
My attempts always ended up with automatic updates to the latest version.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this best?


Install the latest version, do the onboarding, then issue this command:

ha core update --version 2022.6.7
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Thanks @tom_l worked perfectly!

ADS add-on is broken since 2011.7.x on RPi. (see ADS integration breaks after update of core on RPi4) Unfortunately I don’t have time to dig into it. First impression is, that the wrong type of libraries are getting into the distribution (ABI mismatch I think)

For now reverting back to the 2022.6.7 core made ADS work again.