We have a gate we cannot see, but trigger to open with a Tasmota switch. Ideally, we use Siri and Homekit to open the gate.
The problem is, that Homekit isn’t sent the “state” of the gate, so it thinks it is always trying to open. What I would like to do, is have Home Assistant falsify a state, and send it to homekit.
Something like this:
do_thing: If script to open gate is called;
send: state of gate is open
wait: wait 60 seconds
send: state of gate is closed
else: gate is closed
How can I send a false gate state to homekit whenever the open gate script is fired?
Make a template switch with an assumed state by using an input boolean. Just keep in mind that it will get out of sync on restart if the state of your gate doesn’t match the state of your inputboolean. But you can quickly rectify that by flipping the boolean.
make an input_boolean called fake_state or gate or whatever…