How do I load JSON into something I can use in a card

I am trying to figure out how to load a JSON file/call into something i can parse through in some type of card.

I want to base this on this: Nearby EV Rapid Chargers
This returns a static 3 stations.
I want to change this and return the closest X chargers in a given raduis.
I have changed the API call to OpenChargers to return all chargers in a given radius. I now need to make the card dynamically display the results from the JSON

First I don’t understand how to make HA load a rest.yaml file. So far I have just put the “rest.yaml” into configuration.yaml

This gets me only so far.

The JSON I am trying to parse in:
(this is a static file which represents a call to openchargers api)
This returns the X closest chargers based on a radius so the size of the JSON elements are dynamic

I want to load the results into something I can parse through in a card of some type

I want to be able to dynamically go through the chargers instead of using a static 3 results…

I want to do something like:
for each (EvChargers) in JSON
output Name
output Slots avalible
output Distance

How can I do this??