How do I pass data from state node and use this in notification? Need some basic help

Ok… we need to replace the regex with:


Those sensors was a real mouthful.


binary_sensor        # Literal comparison. It has to be exact.
\.                   # \ means it escapes the dot. Dots is special in regex, it means any character \. means escape the special and make it not special, so dot.
[a-z]+               # Character class. At least one character in the span a-z. Had it been [a-z]* then it's optional. So no a-z characters or however many.
_?                   # optional underscore.
(?:[a-z]+)?          # A character class that is optional, a-z at least one character.
_door                # Literal comparison.
(?:_sensor)?         # Optional literal comparison. So there could be a _sensor or not.

Regarding the function node.

I check if the first r1 is a match, if so send the message in the first (upper output) of the function node.
If the r2 is a match then send the message in the second output.
Else nothing.

Regarding the interior doors. That is not going to be pretty.
Since the naming convention does not include indoor/outdoor the pattern will match them too.

We could exclude office in the regex with:


But if there is a bedroom, then that needs to be added also.


And if there is more… it becomes messy. (you just keep adding but readability is getting worse)
A different option is to do it as a direct comparison in the function node.

if(msg.topic != "binary_sensor.office_door" && msg.topic != "binary_sensor.bedroom_door" ){
    if (r1 != null){
        return [msg, null];
    }else if(r2 != null){
        return [null, msg];

Choose the one you find easiest to maintain in the long run. I don’t have any advice here.

regex101: build, test, and debug regex

Yeah, it starts to become more of a chore to filter out the entities compared to just having separate nodes in Node Red. I say we might as well put this one to bed and be done with it. My original question of how to pass data through a node was answered, and I started another thread to try to figure out why other entities than the specified ones are popping up when I use the substring filter.

Thanks for your help, I learned a bit about regex today!